
Let's Play, Mom! (Bilingual Afrikaans Children's Book)

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One book. Two languages. 

  • Bilingual edition. Written in English and Afrikaans  (dual language)
  • Perfect for kids (and adults) learning English or Afrikaans as their second language 
  • Large print and colourful illustrations for better reading experience
  • Available in paperback and hardcover formats
  • Age Range: 3 - 9 years
  • 32 pages
  • Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 inches


A touching story told by a first grade girl. A girl who finds a way to make her mom feel better and happier. Nothing can be more precious than the time they spend together playing. This children’s story has a message for children and parents alike, teaching kids compassion and creativity, while reminding parents the importance of quality time with their children.

‘n Aaangrypende storie wat vertel word deur ‘n graad eentjie, ‘n dogtertjie wat ‘n weg vind om haar ma op te beur en te laat glimlag.  Niks kan meer kosbaar wees as tyd wat saam spandeer word nie.
Hierdie kinderverhaal het ‘n boodskap vir kinders en ouers, wat kinders deernis en kreatiwiteit leer, terwyl dit ouers herinner aan die belangrikheid van kwaliteit tyd saam met hul kinders.