
I Love to Keep My Room Clean (Afrikaans Language Book for Kids)

Regular price $22.99 CAD Sale

    • Afrikaans Language Bedtime Story
    • Perfect for kids (and adults), practicing their Afrikaans language skills
    • Large print and colourful illustrations for better reading experience
    • Available in paperback and hardcover formats
    • Ideal for reading to preschoolers at bedtime or as a self read for older children
    • Age Range: 3 - 9 years
    • 34 pages
    • Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 inches


    This children’s book will motivate the kids to take responsibility and keep their room organized. Follow along as little bunny Jimmy and his brothers learn their lesson in this picture book. They learn to work together, clean up their room, and organize their toys. Once they finish, they finally have room for more fun and understand how important it is to keep their room clean.
    It is suitable as a read-aloud book for preschoolers at bedtime or a self-read book for older children.

    Hierdie kinderboek kan die kleinspan motiveer om verantwoordelikheid te neem en hul kamer aan die kant te hou. Volg saam terwyl die hasie Jimmy en sy boeties hul les in hierdie prenteboek leer. Hulle leer om saam te werk, hul kamer skoon te maak en hul speelgoed te organiseer.

    Hierdie storie kan ideaal wees om vir jou kinders voor te lees met slaaptyd en ook lekker vir die hele gesin!