
I Love to Go to Daycare (Welsh Language Children's Book)

Regular price $22.99 CAD Sale

    • Welsh Language Bedtime Story
    • Perfect for kids (and adults), practicing their Welsh language skills
    • Large print and colorful illustrations for better reading experience
    • Available in paperback and hardcover formats
    • Age Range: 3 - 7 years
    • 30 pages
    • Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 inches


    Jimmy, the little bunny, is very upset and nervous. Tomorrow is his first day in daycare, but he just wants to stay at home with his mom. Join Jimmy to find out how his friendly teddy bear helps him to feel excited.
    This children’s book can help your little ones overcome their worries of leaving their parents for the first time, while helping them to adjust to new changes.
    Finally, Jimmy discovers how much fun daycare really is!
    This story may be ideal for reading to your kids at bedtime and enjoyable for the whole family as well!

    Mae Jimmy, y gwningen fach, wedi cynhyrfu ac yn nerfus iawn. Yfory yw ei ddiwrnod cyntaf yn yr ysgol feithrin, ond mae eisiau aros gartref gyda'i fam. Ymunwch â Jimmy i ddarganfod sut mae ei dedi cyfeillgar yn ei helpu i deimlo'n gynhyrfus am ei ddiwrnod cyntaf.

    Gall y llyfr hwn helpu plant i oresgyn eu pryderon o adael eu rhieni am y tro cyntaf, a hefyd eu helpu i addasu i sefyllfaoedd newydd.

    Yn y diwedd, mae Jimmy yn darganfod pa mor hwyl yw’r ysgol feithrin go iawn!

    Efallai y bydd y stori hon yn addas i’w darllen i'ch plant amser gwely ac yn ddifyr i'r teulu cyfan hefyd!