eBook: My Mom is Awesome (English Thai Bilingual Children's Book)
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$6.99 CAD
One book. Two languages.Â
- eBook. Bilingual edition. Written in English and ThaiÂ
- Perfect for kids (and adults) learning English or Thai as their second languageÂ
- Colourful illustrations for better reading experience
- Ideal for reading to preschoolers at bedtime or as a self read for older children
- Available in .epub format (suitable for Apple devices),  .mobi format (suitable for Kindle devices) and .pdf format (suitable for all electronic devices)
- Will be delivered to your email right after the checkout
- Age Range:Â 3 - 9 years
In this touching bedtime story, a little girl describes why her Mom is awesome. We see her going through her day, carrying the warmest feeling about her mother. Mom always knows how she feels and can help with any problem. Mom can make the most complicated braid and explain fractions; Mom can help to wake her up in the morning and hug her tightly when sheâs sad.Â
With adorable illustrations and a message to which everyone can relate, this is a perfect book for kids and their moms.Â
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