
eBook: I Love to Brush My Teeth (Italian Language Book for Kids)

Regular price $6.99 CAD Sale

  • eBook. Italian Language Bedtime Story
  • Perfect for kids (and adults), practicing their Italian language skills
  • Colourful illustrations for better reading experience
  • Available in .epub format (suitable for Apple devices),  .mobi format (suitable for Kindle devices) and .pdf format (suitable for all electronic devices)
  • Will be delivered to your email right after the checkout
  • Age Range: 3 - 9 years


    Little Jimmy doesn’t like to brush his teeth. Even when his mother gives him a brand new orange toothbrush, his favorite color, he doesn’t use it like he is supposed to. But when strange and magical things start happening to Little Jimmy, he begins to realize how important brushing his teeth can be.

    Al piccolo Jimmy non piaceva lavarsi i denti. Anche quando la mamma gli diede uno spazzolino nuovo arancione, il suo colore preferito, non lo utilizzava come doveva. Ma quando al piccolo Jimmy iniziarono a succedere delle cose strane e magiche, cominciò a capire l’importanza del lavare i denti.