eBook: I am Thankful (English Thai Bilingual Children's Story)
Regular price
$6.99 CAD
One book. Two languages.Â
- eBook. Bilingual edition. Written in English and Thai
- Perfect for kids (and adults) learning English or Thai as their second languageÂ
- Colourful illustrations for better reading experience
- Ideal for reading to preschoolers at bedtime or as a self read for older children
- Available in .epub format (suitable for Apple devices),  .mobi format (suitable for Kindle devices) and .pdf format (suitable for all electronic devices)
- Will be delivered to your email right after the checkout
- Age Range: 3Â - 9Â years
âI am Thankfulâ shows how easy it is to be grateful for everything in life, even the little things. From waking up in the morning, to enjoying the warm sun, to going back to sleep and hugging your favorite teddy bear. There is always something to be thankful for.
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