Amanda and the Lost Time (Serbian Language Book for kids - Latin alphabet)
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$22.99 CAD
- Serbian Language Bedtime Story (Latin alphabet)
- Perfect for kids (and adults), practicing their Serbian language skills
- Large print and colourful illustrations for better reading experience
- Available in paperback and hardcover formats
- Age Range: 4 - 10 years
- 30 pages
- Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
In this children's book, you meet a girl named Amanda who has a habit of wasting her time. That is until, one day, something magical happens and Amanda finally realizes that time is the most precious thing we have – and that once it is wasted, it is lost forever. In order to get her lost time back, Amanda goes on a journey and learns to use her time wisely.
U ovoj knjizi za decu, upoznajete devojčicu po imenu Amanda, koja ima naviku da uzaludno troši vreme. Sve dok se, jednog dana, ne desi nešto čudesno i Amanda konačno shvati da je vreme najdragocenija stvar koju imamo – i da kada se jednom potroši, zauvek je izgubljeno. Da bi vratila svoje izgubljeno vreme, Amanda kreće na putovanje na kom nauči da vreme koristi mudro.