
Goodnight, My Love! (English Welsh Bilingual Children's Book)

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One book. Two languages. 

  • Bilingual edition. Written in English and Welsh. Dual language
  • Perfect for kids (and adults) learning English or Welsh as their second language 
  • Large print and colourful illustrations for better reading experience
  • Ideal for reading to preschoolers at bedtime or as a self read for older children
  • Available in paperback and hardcover formats
  • Age Range: 3 - 9 years
  • 34 pages
  • Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 inches


Alex finds it hard to go to sleep, so he starts making up excuses. After reading a bedtime story, his father suggests planning a dream that he would like to see when he falls asleep. Find out where their imagination takes them as they plan his dream together.

Mae Alex yn ei ffeindio’n anodd mynd i gysgu, ac yn dechrau meddwl am esgusodion. Wedi darllen stori amser gwely, mae ei Dad yn cynnig cynllunio breuddwyd y byddai yn hoffi cael. Ffeindiwch allan ble mae eu dychymyg yn ei cymryd nhw wrth iddyn nhw gynllunio ei breuddwyd gyda’i gilydd.

This bedtime story will help kids feel loved and relaxed, preparing them for a peaceful, sleep-filled night.

Fe fydd y stori amser gwely yma yn helpu plant teimlo’n gariadus ac wedi ymlacio, yn eu paratoi am noswaith heddychlon llawn cwsg.