
Sweet Dreams, My Love (Irish language bedtime story)

Regular price $22.99 CAD Sale

  • Irish Language Bedtime Story
  • Perfect for kids (and adults), practicing their Irish language skills
  • Large print and colourful illustrations for better reading experience
  • Available in paperback and hardcover formats
  • Age Range: 3 - 9 years
  • 34 pages
  • Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 inches


It’s time for bed, but Alice doesn’t want to go to sleep just yet. By going through her bedtime routine, Mom calms her daughter down by reminding her of all the wonderful things they did together that evening. Written in a soft and soothing manner, this book shows the warm and loving relationship between Alice and her mom, while preparing young readers for a good night’s sleep.

Am codlata atá ann, ach níl Alice ag iarraidh dul a chodladh go fóill. Agus í ag dul tríd a gnáthamh am codlata, socraíonn Mam a hiníon trí na rudaí iontacha go léir a rinne siad le chéile an tráthnóna sin a mheabhrú di. Scríofa ar bhealach bog agus suaimhneasach, léiríonn an leabhar seo an caidreamh croíúil agus grámhar idir Alice agus a mamaí, agus léitheoirí óga á n-ullmhú le haghaidh oíche mhaith codlata.