Words in Pictures - My Day (Danish Children's Book)

Regular price $22.99 CAD Sale

  • Danish Language Bedtime Story
  • Perfect for kids (and adults) practicing their Danish language skills
  • Large print and colourful illustrations for better reading experience
  • Available in paperback and hardcover formats
  • Age Range: 1 - 5 years
  • 34 pages
  • Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 inches


This is a fun and colorful book for kids ages 3-5. Each page shows a part of a child's day, like waking up, eating breakfast, or playing with friends.
Important words, like "toothbrush," "apple," and "blanket," are shown in the pictures and also separately illustrated. This helps kids learn to recognize and read the words while exploring their world.
With bright illustrations and simple words, this book makes learning fun and easy!

Dette er en sjov og farverig bog for børn i alderen 3-5 år. Hver side viser en del af et barns dag, såsom at vågne op, spise morgenmad eller lege med venner.
Vigtige ord som "tandbørste", "æble" og "tæppe" vises i billederne og er også illustreret separat. Dette hjælper børn med at genkende og læse ordene, mens de udforsker deres verden.
Med lyse illustrationer og enkle ord gør denne bog læring sjov og let!