Summer break is one of the most awaited times for kids because they get to experience fun and relaxation. It is the best time for family day trips and fun outdoor activities with their friends, enjoying the perfect summer weather. However, even though kids are on a break from school, it does not mean that the learning should stop.

Reading books during the summer should be an essential part of your kids' daily summer activities. Here are five reasons why:
During the summer break, kids usually forget the skills they learned at school. This happens if they do not practice these skills they learned during the school year. As a result, when they get back to school, their academic level tends to slide to a level lower than they have reached the previous school year. Hence the commonly known terms: Summer Slide, Summer Setback, or Summer Loss.
The good news is, this risk can be reduced, if not completely prevented. Studies show that kids who read books over the summer get to engage their brains and practice their skills in a fun way. It helps maintain their literacy skills and prepares them for the upcoming school year. Just like a workout, summer reading exercises their brains to keep them in shape, even while on a break.

When kids read books over the summer they not only improve their reading skills, but also develop a habit of reading as they begin to realize that it is a fun activity rather than a dreadful school requirement. It becomes an enjoyable activity that naturally sparks their interest and excites them.
During summer break, you can foster your child’s academic learning without any academic textbooks. Subjects like Science, Math, and Social Studies are incorporated in engaging stories that stimulate your child's brain and reinforce the knowledge they acquired from school. There is no better way to learn than experiencing concepts applied in real life!

Presenting books of various genres featuring characters of different family structures, races, and cultures opens up your child's mind about equality and respecting social differences. Summer break is a great time to engage in conversations with your child about social diversity to improve their social skills as they return to school.
It is no doubt that summer reading is an important activity that influences continued learning in a fun and engaging way. It keeps the brain engaged and stimulated, reducing the risk of summer slide. It also helps improve reading skills, which are vital for your child's academic success.
Spending a mere twenty minutes a day reading during the summer helps develop a lifelong reading habit, while also broadening your child's perspective about the world.
Encourage your child to read during the summer by establishing a reading time at home and by visiting your local library. Provide them with a selection of age-appropriate books that will spark their interest and make reading a fun activity.
You can also check out for our extensive children's book collection. Enjoy summer reading with your child