Family mealtimes are essential, and yet, their impact is highly underestimated in this day and age. Today, there is always something that is fighting for our attention. Technology has become the main focus for many families and it has driven a huge wedge between true quality time with one another. In addition to all the latest tech gadgets, there is the pressure to keep up with all the hustle and bustle of others. Families rarely have quality, uninterrupted time together because parents are working and then kids are at school and then off to whatever extracurricular activities they may be in. All of this busyness does not leave much time to sit and have deep conversation with each other. All this busyness does not leave much opportunity to truly experience life in that very moment. Simply put, there is just something meaningful and special that comes out of family centered meals that is best understood when you and your family have experienced it for yourselves.
Choosing to have family meals together opens up the door to communication. This time allows for families to spend much needed intentional time together. Gathering friends and loved ones around a meal has been a tradition for centuries and should certainly be considered as a tradition in each of our homes. Mealtime allows for us to give uninterrupted attention to the ones we love. When we make it a point to enjoy these mealtimes without distractions (such as phones, television, or other media devices) we are more attentive to the ones surrounding us. We become more aware of our loved ones’ body language, their eye contact, and even the tone in their voices. And when we recognize these things amongst one another, it allows for the entire family to feel like what they feel is valid and that what they are going through is important. Mealtimes can create the basic foundation for trust in communicating.