Do you speak a language other than your child's first language? Do you wish
to teach your kids another language but are not sure if it is worth all your time
and effort?
Well, read on and discover these 7 major benefits of raising bilingual children.
Raising bilingual kids boosts their cognitive development. When kids learn another language at a young age, they develop skills to focus and concentrate as they balance and alternate the two languages. Their ability to switch from one language to another enhances their attention span, allows them to analyze internal conflicts, and develops their problem-solving skills while deliberately choosing the appropriate language for their response.
Compared to monolingual children, studies show that bilingual kids perform better in academics and score higher in assessments that involve critical thinking and problem-solving. When kids continually learn about new words and sounds in more than one language, they develop strong listening skills and higher memory retention. These skills significantly help them learn new things faster and perform well in school.
Bilingualism also keeps the brain healthy. It is like a muscle exercise that stimulates the brain when bilingual kids translate abstract concepts from one language to another. Research shows that speaking more than one language helps the brain age slower. It may also delay the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's disease by about four years.
Bilingual kids form strong bonds with their extended family, especially their grandparents, who only speak their heritage language. They can confidently express themselves in a language that ties them with their roots, giving them a sense of belonging to a family and its unique culture. Cultural identity and self-esteem play a special role in a child's perception of happiness and success in life.

Bilingual children tend to be open-minded and more social. Their awareness that people have different perspectives allows them to develop empathy and compassion for others. They also develop the ability to easily adjust to changes in their environment through their deep understanding of cultural and social differences.
Teaching your kids another language helps them become more creative. Learning another language is also discovering another culture. It keeps their minds imaginative and adventurous. They can become creators or explorers when they grow older.
When kids speak a second language, they can learn more languages with ease. According to studies, fluency and skills in one language reinforce the acquisition of another language. And having the skills in two languages can boost the learning process of a third language.
Raising bilingual children is beneficial in many aspects of your kids' life. It significantly boosts cognitive functionality, preparing them for success in their education and social interactions. It also strengthens their bond with their relatives that speak only one language. They get to have a sense of self-identity by learning their cultural heritage and traditions. When you teach your kids another language, you also widen their horizons. You open up their world and stimulate their imaginative minds.
Begin your journey to bilingualism by reading to them engaging stories they can relate to.
Visit for a wide selection of stories, written in 35 foreign languages with English translation.